25.01.2013 г.


Childcare Act 2006

Видове грижа за деца
The Children Act

For children aged 0-5 
 "Children must get an education between the school term after their 5th birthday and the last Friday in June in the school year they turn 16.
 In England you are required by law to make sure your child begins education from the beginning of school term after he or she turns 5 years old. However, children normally start Reception class in a state school from the September after their 4th birthday.
Day Nurseries Owned by The Co-operative Childcare

• Day nurseries 
• Combined nursery centers 
• Children’s centers 
• Family centers 
• Nursery schools and classes 
• Primary school reception classes 
• Playgroups 
• Creches 
• Childminders 
• Drop-in centers 
• One o’clock clubs 
• Playbuses 
• Toy libraries 
• And others…

от БиБиСи
За задължителното ранно образование във Великобританияhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/8314152.stm
За ранното образование във Великобритания - подобно на Германия, задължителността означава, че властите трябва да осигурят места за всички деца на 5 г. "Currently, all local authorities have to ensure all children have a school place by the time they are five." Тази възможност (не задължение!) се смъква до 4 навършени години. "From 2011, all children will be able to start school from the first September after their fourth birthday or take up a free full-time nursery place instead." Но решението, в крайна сметка, е на родителите. "It is down to parents to make the decisions about when their child starts school."


If your child is unexpectedly missing from school and the local council thinks you’re not giving them home education, you’ll be contacted by the school or the council’s educational welfare officer. They’ll contact you even if your child is only missing for a day.

You can be prosecuted if you don’t give your child an education."


